Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Coversations with my 3 year old.

 So I started this blog post as conversations with Ava. I left the blog open so I could run to the computer and type them right after they happened so that I wouldn't forget the awesomeness. But then something truly blog worthy commenced. Which I will expound upon after I make you read the three covos I did record before I lost my mind!

  • In the car after going through the drive thru:
"Mom, I can't drink this milk!"
"Oh no! Why, is it bad?"
"Yes, there are sharks in it!"
"Sharks?!" (Thinking I misunderstood her)
"Yes, there are two sharks in it, I can't drink it, sharks hurt my tummy."
(After a through inspection there were no sharks in the milk, but I told her I got rid of them, and there were no further issues)

  • Getting Dressed
"Ava, those aren't your pants."
"They ARE my pants."
"Those are your brother's pants"
"No they are my pants!"
"Fine, wear the pants... but they aren't yours."
 "Yes, they are."
Fast Foward 2 hrs, she has spilled an entire glass of water on herself and made a swimming pool in the living room.
"Come on we need to go change your pants."
"These aren't MY pants!"

  • In the middle of everything.
"Mom, Mikah is spraying me!"
(Mikah is suppose to be cleaning the bathrooms and has the vinegar/water spray bottle.)
"Hey, Mikah! Spray me!"

So let's stop there a min... and go back up to the pants conversation. I was trying desperately to get her older sister's birthday shirt made today. Can I just take a moment and get off topic to say how much I HATE making character shirts! I hate them in general because there are always 15 fabric pieces and half a billion color changes. I hate this one in particular due to the fact that I bought this poorly executed design from a digitizer that I hadn't used before. Giant mistake, this design was so haphazardly digitized that I believe that I, on my crappy little $65 software, could have done a better job. Once again I digress. I was trying to get this shirt made.....

To get this shirt done I had to leave Ava unattended... scary I know. But I haven't written a blog in a while and this was sure to give me some fodder right? So, Titus was asleep, Mikah was at school, and Ava was coloring nicely... time to run! 

Well the first time I came to check on her she had gone from coloring on her books to painting her nails, not too bad right?
The second time I came out was when I found Little Lake Ramey in the living room. She had poured herself a giant cup of water and then proceeded to dump it everywhere. We retrieved a few towels and sopped up the lake. This is also when the last half of the pants convo happened.

The Third time I came to check on her, she was chewing something. I had not given her a snack... However; I had left a bakers chocolate bar within reach. If you count in the cabinet, in its wrapper within reach. Miss Ava and her handy dandy pink stepping stool do. (That bad boy is going to the dumpster! Then let's see her climb on stuff.) "Ava, what's in your mouth?" I ask sternly. "Chokwet."

(There use to be 6 squares...)

This is when I learned my lesson. Also Titus was awake from his nap and I needed to feed them, so I decided to wait to finish until Mikah was home from school and could keep an eye on them.

So you would think this would be the end of my story, but no. Because it was Mikah's birthday they sent her home (I don't know who exactly so I will just use they) with a giant 2 foot long pixie stick. Thanks to whomever had that brilliant idea. She asked if she could open it, and to my everlasting regret I consented. That's when she discovered that pixie sticks are sour and she does not like them. I told her to throw it away, straighten up the font bathroom and keep an eye on her sister. I was gonna finish her party shirt. And I did! Whooo hooooo.
 (See how it kinda looks like crap? Yeah I'm going to have to go back and hand stitch it in areas, the design was so poorly done)

I come out of my sewing room exhausted but excited, I had won my fight with this stupid My Little Pony applique, and I was proud and excited to show the new owner. This is when I saw it.... Liquid all over the entire floor, kitchen, dining room, living room, entrance, front bathroom and I knew, this was not water. After some quick Mommy PI work I found a lime juice carton, that I had recently purchased, lying on it's side, now completely empty. As I'm stepping around the puddles I realize my feet are stepping in something else too... granulated sugar. My mind starts spinning what could it be? Pixie Stick Dust! They had a Lime Juice VS Pixie Dust war in my house! Perhaps instead of yelling out the door at Mikah to stop spraying her sister I should have gotten up to investigate? ARGH! Rookie mistake!

I am sorry to tell you that there are no pictures of this event, you couldn't really see it on the floor, just feel the gritty sticky presence in between your toes.

This is when I lost my mind. I'm not sure but I think I started crying. It was time for me to start dinner, and then Mikah had to go to TKD, we are on a tight schedule Tue nights. To top it off Titus decided he needed to eat right then and was going to constantly wail until he got the milk he was demanding. No, snacks would not do, no, toys would not distract, he will attain what he so desperately desires! I didn't have time for this! So I let him cry in his pack n play, while I stacked all the furniture up on top of each other and used the wet towel in the laundry room from our previous lake clean up, to do a quick once over and then I ran the vacuum. The girls had brilliantly ran off to their room to play nicely. After everything was vacuumed, I called them out of the bedroom and they each received a soapy wash cloths, and I stood over them feeding Titus, and made them scrub every inch of the floors, Cinderella style. At first Ava thought this was fun, but by the end she was crying too. Mission accomplished.

Dinner did not get cooked in time, but hopefully the girls learned a lesson, and now I have another reason to not reopen my embroidery business... Ava.