Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Few Pictures of an Average Day with Ava

Waking up.... It's jump on mom in bed time! But mom gets boring and the girls want to hold the baby. Who is currently to big to "hold" nor does he have the desire to be held by them, but this does not off put them, or their baby holding agenda.

Then it's time to ride our bikes inside!  (Mom hates the cold and playgrounds...) But we HAVE to walk the dog out side, so We take our trusty butterfly net to catch dragonflies. Look she caught one!

Then some more cuddle time!
What would our day be without a few messes? We emptied Daddy's hair gel down the sink. (It was a good day this was our only distructor moment.)

 Then we had to change clothes and no one could convince her that these where not pants...
Finally put some regular pants on and shared her new coloring books with her sister :)

This was a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just trying to be thankful...

Once upon a time, almost 12 years ago, we decided maybe we really did want kids. And so we started planning and praying and trying. Six months later still no pregnancy, One year not pregnant. Lots of friends with new bundles me still not pregnant. Two years no baby, Three years. Maybe this wasn't meant to be. But I didn't stop praying, I prayed, and prayed, and cried, and prayed, and begged, and bartered and most of all I prayed.

Then after we sold our house, put our belongings in storage, both quit our jobs, Dave left to go Active Duty and I moved in with my parents until we found out where our first duty station would be. I found out I was expecting! After 10 excruciating months of non stop all day and night sickness, our little red headed bundle arrived. She was everything I dreamed of and prayed for.

We knew we wanted more than one child, and since it took forever to get pregnant the first time, we thought maybe we should keep trying. Months and years passed, but I had Mikah to keep me occupied and even though it hurt and was my hearts desire, waiting was not nearly as hard with a toddler running you ragged.

After Four long years, of more tear, prayers, pleading, Dr. apts, prayers, invasive surgeries, we became pregnant with Ava, who has kept me on my toes since the very beginning. She decided to hang out for 42 and a half weeks and continued to kick and punch the entire birth process.... that was my sign. This little spit fire is one of the most adorable creatures I could ever imagine.

 We were not, not trying when we found out we were pregnant with Titus. He did come as a complete shock, because I really didn't think we were capable of having children without help, but apparently my body just needed to mature to 30 before it got it?I prayed for each of my children every singe day I was pregnant, I prayed for their health, for their strength and mainly for God's will in their lives. I prayed that we would be God honoring parents and examples to our children and in general I prayed as every parent expecting does.
In morning bible study today we were covering Sarah laughing at the LORD when he told her she would have a son. Even after she was done menstruating and well into menopause. Her response? "After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?" (Gen 18:12)

I say all this to say this... My day has sucked! Ava has been whiny and clingy, she woke up from her nap a veritable toddler monster. Titus is cutting a bunch of teeth and is a drooly, vomiting, generally unhappy baby today. (He's normally awesome) Ava has played with toothpaste, scissors, shaving cream, hand lotion, fed Titus plastic, got into the dog food, been ask multiple time "WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS!?" and in general tried her hardest to drive me to drink. Mikah came home from school, and does not remember if she has home work. She asks me the same questions over and over and is slightly annoying the tar out of me. We have an open house to meet Mikah's new teacher tonight and Sesame Street LIVE to attend, so I'm slightly stressing about that, especially since my husband is off saving the world and not answering his phone.

But thankfully this morning's topic sticks with me, because not only are these bugger filled gnomes one of the greatest blessings of my life, they are my pleasure. If I relax, calm down and stop thinking of them as getting in my way and think of them as what they are, Answered Prayers. I can remember that I once asked, begged, pleaded and bartered with God for them, and He decided in His sovereignty to allow me (and Dave) to raise and teach these little prayer requests. Sometimes a clean house can wait and dishes can be dirty another day, so I can just hold them, or play with them, or color with them, and appreciate them.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What a better way to start my blog that telling the wonderful story of my avarage day on Tuesday. (Yes, I know avarage is spelled wrong, I'm doing it on purpose... you'll see why in a minute)

So I had a Cookie Lee event on Monday night (Yes, I sell Cookie Lee and will pimp it out whenever possible) I was out late, if you count 10:30 late, which you probably don't if you are under 25 sans children, but I am not and so I do. More importantly my husband does since he was home alone (gasp) with all three angels while I was gone. I came home and nursed the baby and put him down for the night, we are sleep training him so sleep is sparatic at best already....

Fast forward to 6:30 am Tuesday morning, Mikah comes in to wake me, which is already a bad sign as I typically get up at 6:00 to wake her for school every morning, to tell me that Ava has the baby powder (Get the name now?) I in my sleepy stupor roll back over and catch another 30 min of sleep. In retrospect this was a horrible decision. As I stumble out of bed and into the hallway, this is what I see.
Well not this specifically there was also a naked two year old covered completely in baby powder, and slightly to the right a 5 month old laughing also covered in baby powder, and a 7 year old skating through the "snow" I manage to yell "OH MY!" And hear my equally sleepy husband stumbling out of bed to find out why I yelled. The unclothed powder covered toddler looks innocently up at me and sweetly smiles, then she notices the flames dancing in my eyes and her sweet face turns worried, and says "It's ok mommy." Dave stumbles to my side and she repeats "Daddy, tell Mommy it's ok." Daddy without a word snatches up the clothe-less albino and tosses her into the shower. I slept in too long and need to leave immediately to get the older powder skater to school on time.I fight my way through the cloud of talc and head to the school.

I come home and my wonderful husband has swept up the piles on the floor. As I returned he gave me a sneaky kiss and escaped to enjoy his day of solving the worlds problems, leaving me near tears in a house completely covered in a layer of baby powder. At least the two small goblins have been cleaned off. So I set them up with the television (Thank you PBS! It almost made me want to make a donation, but then I remembered you are a government indoctrination program and I left my wallet in my purse.) I re sweep, then I pull out my rainbow vacuum, and praise the Lord for that thing! Seriously how I would have ever gotten it all clean with a normal vacuum is beyond me. I moved all the furniture and vacuumed, then I pulled out the steam mop (shout out to shark!) . You would think I was done then but no. Then I had to take everything off every counter, shelf and ledge in the living room dining room and kitchen, dust each item and then clean the counters too. This put more powder on the ground so I had to repeat the sweep, vacuum, mop, formula. Ugh so that's not too bad right? I had it all cleaned up by 9am, whew I got this! Let's go outside and play, get this energy out!

Oh, wait the boy has pooped. I change him (which after two girls is a blog all onto itself) and can hear Ava giggling and hear water running, ugh what now? As I sit on the floor I think do I really want to even know what is going on? So I struggle to get up because my knee still isn't working, but we have government health care, yay! And I find Ava washing all her mermaids hair, oh and her own. She is covered in shampoo.
So into the tub we go, and why not throw Titus in there too and get everyone clean!
Ok now everyone is clean again, the house is clean, but we have missed outside play time. But they had bath time play time so that's ok. It's Titus' nap time whew one kid down. Ava and I cuddle up on the recliner and I put Phineas and Ferb on wrap her up in my arms and start to pass out. Then the doorbell rings. Dang it I completely forgot that housing is suppose to come today and fix our floors. How do they propose to fix them? With an extremely loud nail gun. Waking the sleeping baby...

Praise the Lord for my bestie Meg, who rescued my day by taking me to Happy Quilt and McDonalds!

My Happy Place!